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Updated: Mar 3, 2024

Our teachers at WorkCastle have compiled a list of math activities for you. These fun games will help your child learn fundamental skills in an engaging way. Read on to learn more about how to enhance your child's understanding of mathematics and related cognitive skills.

Counting objects in everyday life

Count the buttons on your child's shirt, oranges you put in the grocery basket, forks when setting the table, or steps leading to the front door. Start with small numbers (no more than five) and add more as the child is ready for more challenging tasks.

Shape recognition

Knowing the names of shapes is crucial for a child's understanding of mathematics. Play the game "Find all the squares and circles in the house." For example, show circular watches on your wrist, square blocks in the child's room, squares in light switches and windowpanes, a rectangular toaster, etc. Explain how triangles can come together to form a square, and smaller items fit inside larger ones.


Ask the child to gather soft toys and then arrange them in a row from the smallest to the largest. You can also ask the child to stretch as much as possible and then curl up like a ball, as if shrinking in size. Talk to the child about how people of different ages have different heights and weights, clarify that you are taller than them now, and that the child is now larger than when they were born.

Finding matching items

If the child struggles with this, look for matching items, such as spoons and plates, cups and saucers, sneakers and shoelaces. Also, ask the child to count all sets of items to reinforce the understanding that each pair consists of the same number.


Another simple mathematical game for children that allows them to practice estimation and counting. Draw several circles of different sizes on a paper plate or cardboard. Then dilute some paint and take a pipette. Let the child choose a circle and estimate how many drops of paint it will take to fill it. Let them check in practice. Count the drops together to see how close the actual amount is to the estimated one.

Measuring volume while cooking

Cooking with a child opens up many opportunities to explore mathematics. Fill measuring cups and spoons with water or flour to introduce children to whole numbers and fractions. Ask the child to pour half a cup of water or scoop two tablespoons of flour.

Teaching spatial relationships

When reading stories to the child, use spatial language to discuss the placement of pictures. Ask accompanying questions, such as "Where is the moon? Is it above the tree or below it?" Specify by asking, "Is the elephant larger than the dog? Which animal is farthest away in the picture?"

Understanding weight (heavier – lighter)

When you go to the grocery store, take two different products from the shelves, give them to the child, and ask which one is heavier: "Is the bottle of milk heavier or the pack of cookies?" The child will learn to distinguish between the concepts of weight and lightness.

Using patterns

Patterns and templates are important mathematical concepts for young children. Start with a simple pattern of cubes or other toys with alternating colors and shapes, let the child complete it. Use puzzles, building blocks, everyday items, buttons, and beads; toys with lacing also develop construction skills. Try to get the child interested in continuing the pattern or creating their own. This game develops pattern recognition skills – a fundamental concept in mathematics.

Play with pleasure, foster an interest in math in your little ones, and witness how their knowledge and skills grow alongside the joy of discovery and play!

by WorkCastle


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