Our program:

Sensory activities

Language development

Social skills

Physical development
Engaging Learning Centers

Our classrooms are divided into centers equipped with age-appropriate educational toys and materials that cater to children's interests. These centers include areas for books, blocks, sensory activities, art, puzzles, math, science, and dramatic play. Children can explore these centers individually, with a friend, or in small groups, practicing decision-making, following directions, working independently, and learning to care for and use materials.
Developmental Goals for 18 mo - 3 yo

Daily group times offer children the opportunity to learn in a large group setting through stories, music, gross motor exercises, language experiences, and discussions involving questioning and research. Additional activities include plant growing, nature interactions, and visits from guest speakers related to the unit studies. Through experiential and integrated play and projects, they develop language, science, and math skills.
Helping toddlers become self-sufficient by developing self-help skills and confidence through managing clothing, using a spoon, opening lunch boxes, and following classroom rules.
Developing independent problem-solving skills.
Play choices:
Supporting independent play choices, engaging in parallel play, and beginning to enjoy playing with peers.
Building confidence:
Helping children develop a sense of confidence and self-worth.
Cultivating an awareness of others and their emotions.
Emotional expression:
Teaching appropriate expression of emotions and early control of aggression.
Art skills:
Drawing circles and squares, using scissors, drawing a person with 2-4 body parts
Literacy skills:
Enjoying books, turning pages independently, and paying attention during storytime.
Gross motor development:
Encouraging activities like throwing, kicking, running, climbing, jumping, and riding toys
Fine motor development:
Enhancing fine motor skills with activities like clapping, stacking, drawing, cutting, and completing puzzles
Language skills:
Enhancing language skills by naming objects, expressing needs, forming sentences, singing, and speaking clearly